An Adventure through the Belém Endemism Center (CEB)

Arquivo pessoal: Silvia Faustino Linhares

Read the full post at: Bloguinho da Silvia Faustino Linhares

Pará is a fascinating destination for birdwatching enthusiasts, offering a unique birdwatching experience at the Centro de Endemismo Belém (CEB). This location is known for its rich biodiversity and endemic species but faces significant challenges due to deforestation and low human development.

Memorable Expeditions: The blog's author, Silvia Faustino, shares her adventures in Pará, highlighting previous expeditions and the search for the sanã-preta (Laterallus jamaicensis). His travels are full of discoveries, photographic records, and the company of local guides and birdwatcher friends.

Challenges and Triumphs: Silvia narrates the challenges faced during the expeditions, such as adverse weather conditions and difficulty accessing certain areas. Despite this, she celebrates triumphs, such as capturing images of rare birds and the satisfaction of adding new species to her list.

Conservation and Birdwatching: The post also addresses the importance of environmental conservation in the CEB region. The need for sustainable productive activities that protect natural capital is emphasized, ensuring birdwatching continuity and local species preservation.

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